

Recently I had the honor and pleasure of laying my eyes upon the most precious human being: Chris Hemsworth. I mean seriously have you see him. He is carved by God himself. God definitely said: “Ahh Chris Hemsworth, I shall add some ounces of human perfection and acting skills…oh there goes the whole bottle..oh well send him down.” For those who don’t believe he’s is the perfect form of a male human species (besides Cristiano Ronaldo), GQ named him the hottest/ sexiest man alive. BEAT THAT HATER! No, but seriously just look at these images of him from Thor Ragnarok.

You can not tell me that he is not eye candy. Also, I have to give credit to Tom Hiddleston he is very attractive as well. I also am in love with his character. Tom Hiddleston plays Loki, Thors “adopted” brother, he is the god of mischief and he often betrays his family making him both an antagonist and protagonist. Loki is one of those characters that has been around for a while that I’ve built this weird bond with him as an avid marvel viewer, i just wouldnt be able to see him go away. Anyways, he is also eye candy.


Let’s backtrack to what I was actually writing about, Thor Ragnarok and why its marvels best movie out yet. Ok, let me get one thing straight I am a movie fanatic, especially movies that were released after 2010, I’m not really a classical or old school movie person. I genuinely go to the movie theater every weekend and there has been a weekend where I went to the movies four times to see four different movies. Let that sink in. Now that the fact that I should really consider my life choices is clear let me review the new hit movie Thor Ragnarok and hope that I don’t get carried away by Chris Hemsworth’s bod.

Thor Ragnorok is definitely one of my top five favorite movies. I have to give that credit to Taika Waititi, director of Ragnarok, he added exactly what Marvel needed to this movie. It has the perfect amount of comedy, action, drama, character development, insanity…It just has it all. I feel like I still had those nerdy moments of omg what is the gold glove doing here and also learned more about the characters. You really don’t know what to expect when watching Ragnarok–maybe a quick joke here or a very serious scene there–and its all because of Waititi. Waititi also said in a recent interview that 80% of the movie was improvised which is probably why it seems so natural and comforting to watch. He also collaborated with all the actors and producers by really taking in their views on this movie and where it should go. The addition of Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song as the main song of this movie was a great call. Waititi has definitely helped marvel out of the hole they were digging of movies that are literally the exact same.

Another aspect that made this movie rise up to the top are the characters. I’ve never seen any characters like the ones I recently met. If you play Clash of Clans you probably know of Valkyrie. Well, they added her to this movie and apparently, she is an Asgardian which I did not know at all. She plays an IDGAF, alcoholic, money grabber. What I love about her is that its usually a male playing that role, but Tessa Thompson killed it. The first scene we see her, she gets out of her spaceship with a beer in her hand barely able to walk demanding that Thor is hers.  She adds a tough and arrogant essence to the movie, she is almost like the Han Solo to this movie. I also loved the Grandmaster. Any scene in his world had me laughing to the point where there were literally tears watering down my face. Another character that I absolutely adore is Korg who is actually played by Taika Waititi himself! I mean give this director his Oscars right now. Im waititng.  Korg is a cute -funny-rock creature that Thor runs into and honestly, deserves so much more recognition. What ties all these characters together is their incredible chemistry. They all seem to be best friends and squad goals. Please marvel invite me as an extra in the next movie!

Now last but not least, my favorite character and honestly the main reason I love this movie is Hela. Hela, played by Cate Blanchett, is the goddess of death and the first woman antagonist in a Marvel film! I LOVE HER!! She is so evil that I love it. Her acting- oh my god, it was beyond perfect; every line had its own sass and facial expression. I am truly in love.



Not only because of her amazing acting skills but also I feel for Hela in some odd way. I know this might sound crazy but when she was fighting Thor I secretly wanted her to win. I understood why she was acting the way she was and I wanted to see her succeed. Now I’m not saying she dies or anything but Marvel I am hoping to see her in the next movie. Lots of viewers have been saying that Valkyrie should have her own movie, but personally, I think Hela should she is such an interesting character that I want to see and learn more of. Hela was truly the star of the show and got me hooked on this movie.


Also, I am a huge film theorist and I noticed that Hela literally looks like the female version of Loki! There has to be some sort of connection. Mother? Sister? who knows.

I can’t wait for the next Thor movie! You should go check out Thor Ragnarok, it is a very entertaining movie. However, please watch the first Thor movie and the two Avenger movies get the full experience.

My mood after watching:





reference: images

first two images are from just jared

the second one is from marvel

the gifs are from gifhy



First Semester of Freshman year

As finals week is starting this means that my first semester of college is coming to an end. Its crazy to think that less than 7 months ago I had prom and graduated from high school. 8 months ago I was finishing my finals in high school. One year ago I was applying to colleges. I think this is a good time to say Ferris Bueller’s famous quote “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

So far I would give college a 7/10. The reason it gets a 7 and not a 6 is because I’ve found more time to myself. This first semester really did dig out some parts of my soul that I didn’t know about. The reason it gets a 7 and not an 8 is because I don’t get to see my insanely smart, hilarious, genuine friends every day.  I don’t know how people stayed in touch before Facebook and Snapchat because honestly without it I don’t know if I would hear from some of my friends.

As for my professors, there are some that I won’t miss, but there are a few that I know I will remember. My English professor has shown me that not all English teachers make class boring. I’ve also learned more in these four months than my high school English classes combined. My history professor has shown me that world history can be condensed to three hours a week for four months. As for my IT professors, I am happy to be saying goodbye.

This is just the start of college and it’s only easy now. I know that this is going to pass by fast and that I should really savore every moment. Saying that I can’t wait for next semester is a lie, I would rather stop time and stay where I am but what is life without going forward?

Anti bullying Summit

bul-ly, verb, use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

Most people don’t realize how big of a problem bullying is. Bullying is so common in our lives that we don’t even realize that its happening when it does. We believe it to be something normal.

Before people would correlate bullying as something that only happens in school or at work. Now the harassment doesn’t end when you step off the bus or go home. Cyberbullying has now become more prevalent than face to face bullying. People of a variety of ages hide behind a computer screen, feeling they can say whatever and do whatever because nobody will know who they are.

Recently I volunteered at an anti-bullying summit at Geroge Washington University in Washington DC. The summit had plenty of speakers from around the world come and talk to others about what they have experienced, what they have done, and what they have learned. For example, the director of a well-known app Afterschool came and talked as well as an attorney who has dealt with cases of bullying in court. We also had case study discussions of bullying in school. I was not able to see all the presenters or attend all the meetings because I was helping people check in and directing people as to where they should go. As well as set up tables for breakfast and lunch.

Honestly from the little parts I did go to I learned a lot. I learned about what people have gone through, I learned about people who had to leave their family because they wanted to be with someone who wasn’t their race, I learned about what schools in California and Chicago have implemented to combat bullying. It was all in all a great experience. I got to talk about bullying I’ve seen and we got to do mini bullying simulations to see what it feels like to be a bystander, bully, and a victim.

Telling someone fat doesn’t make you any skinner. Telling someone they’re stupid doesn’t make you any smarter. Telling someone to die doesn’t make your life longer. We need to start standing up to those who walk all over us and get away with it.  We are all human beings. We all have emotions. No matter if your gay, straight, transgender, black, white, brown, a Muslim or a Christian, we are all welcomed to this world we all are different and that’s what makes life wonderful. So please I am begging you to be careful about how you treat others. It takes a few seconds to say hurtful words but it takes a lifetime to get over it.


Yesterday I got to see the Queen herself, Dua Lipa. I am still on a high that I saw her and was literally less than 20 feet away from her. Dua lipa for those who don’t know is an up and coming artist who is well known for her song ‘New Rules’ I personally love all her songs on the DUA LIPA album. The concert was in Silver Springs, Maryland. It was a general admission concert which means first come first served. We pulled up to the venue at around 6:15 and the concert was going to start at 8. We thought we were early but unfortunately we weren’t, the line of fans wrapped around the building. By the time we found parking and walked to the venue the line was even longer. My sisters and I hadn’t eaten all day so I stood in line for them as they went to grab a sandwich from chick fil a. The doors opened at 7 and we made it in by 7:30. I was so excited to see her. The opening artist, Marteen, opened the show. I was shocked by his performance, he’s sixteen and is a singer! I met him after the show and honestly he was so genuine and sincere! After his opening, dua finally came out. For some reason, my reaction was to cry. I don’t know why I did that. I had only known about Dua for a few months now. I didn’t even cry at Harrys concert. I was just sobbing and smiling. I looked like a crazy woman. Dua slayed every song she performed and left me in awe. When she left the stage I couldn’t stop dancing. I had never had such good vibes ever in my life. November 28th, 2017 is truly the happiest night of my life.

Thankgiving and Black Friday

WOW! This past Thanksgiving was one to put in the books. My family doesn’t usually celebrate Thanksgiving. We never did it when I was younger and for the past few years we would make a small dish and call it a day. This year though my older sister and I wanted to have the best Thanksgiving yet. We woke up early and headed to Harris Teeter to grab a load of groceries. We spent a bit too much but hey who’s counting.  We also bought flowers for my mom cause everyone in our family is thankful for her. For thanksgiving 2017 we made lasagna, chicken, and cookies. We were supposed to make pumpkin pie but we never got to that. Also, we tried making a turkey a few years back and we all hated it.  The aroma of fresh home cooked food filled the house and soon after the dining table was filled with the entree.

After dinner, we headed out to go black Friday shopping. Our fridge broke down a few weeks earlier so the main purchase this black Friday was buying a fridge. We left at around 4 pm since some stores were already opened and others were opening at 6 pm. We went to JC penny, 2 Best buys, and Sears. By the time we finally purchased a fridge it was 10 pm. We decided to head home and go for round two of dinner. Then after much deliberation at around 11pm, we went to Tanger outlets in Maryland to go shopping! This year we bought a bit too much!

Yeah, we bought a lot and this isn’t even the whole lot of it. Anyways I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving and a successful Black Friday!


For the past two years now I have been doing Friendsgiving with a group of my friends. Friendsgiving, for those who don’t know, is Thanksgiving but with friends. I find this form of thanksgiving as something I look forward to doing each year. However, this year it was truly hyped. I hadn’t seen this group friends in 3 months because now we don’t see each other every day in high school instead were in college all spread out through the east coast. This was also the first of Friendsgiving with this group. Seeing them put the biggest smile on my face. MY GIRLS WERE BACK IN TOWN!! We had dinner in Clarendon at Circa. The owner of the restaurant was very courteous and made us a custom menu that said ‘Happy Friendsgiving’ on the top. He told us that these were one of a kind and that they were ours to take home. We had dinner and it was so nice to reminisce, talk about college, and obviously get the 411. After dinner, we went to the cheesecake factory across the street, because who doesn’t like some good cheesecake to end the night. I can’t wait to see these girls when winter break rolls around! Also Happy Thanksgiving!


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logs, fire, and smores

There is nothing better than a weekend where you watch movies, binge TV shows, cook new foods, and sit around a campfire. I like to call these weekends ‘wonderful until the very last minutes of Sunday when you realize you have so much work to do.’ I just finished season 2 of Rick and Morty. I’m almost done with the Good Doctor and I’m all caught up with my youtubers. Check, check and check. I learned that corn flour and cornstarch are two different ingredients, I literally had to go to the grocery store twice in one hour. However, the highlight of my weekend has to be the campfire we set up on the back porch. For about a year now there’s been a fire pit laying around rusting away and for weeks now we’ve wanted to put it to use. That’s exactly what we did. My family along with friends and I lit up the dormant pit and started roasting marshmallows. The relaxing warmth that radiated off the fire is what makes the experience so much better. I felt truly at ease even though I was sitting in 30-degree weather. The fire in a way kept me happy, even though my life was like the marshmallow in this picture1B14F220-0074-4234-AAFC-C40D71233852

Speaking of marshmallows, it was nice to make s’mores again. I think the last time I did this was back in fifth grade at the outdoor lab. I wonder who came up with the idea of s’mores. Gram crackers, chocolate, and a marshmallow piled together like a sandwich?

It was nice to sit by the cozy fire and reminisce about memories while making new ones. Nights like those are ones I will never forget.

This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

It’s Halloween season!! I mean literally, all of October is Halloween season. We can all pull out our sweaters and scarfs. Just kidding, global warming is real and taking over. However what we can do is go to Starbucks and get PSL’s, Go get Halloween decorations, bake and like we did in the first week of October go to the nearest pumpkin patch and buy big fresh pumpkins! It is now a tradition in our family and every year it gets better and better. We go to Cox Farms in Centreville, VA.

Every year we drive out to the white and orange filled farm to find the best pumpkins to make our house have a Fall/Halloween festive mood. We also go to get fall treats like apple cider donuts, pumpkin bread (literally so addicting), different jars of butter, and jams.


Obviously, if you’re going to go to such a fun fall filled spot you have to take pictures. It’s absolutely no secret that Autumn is one of my favorite seasons, everything is just…better. The trees are beautiful colors and the air feels cleaner and fresher. The lighting for pictures is just on point.


Shot on iPhone 7.

This year we bought two big pumpkins, two bags of kettle corn, apple butter, apple cider doughnuts, pumpkin bread, and three mini pumpkins!!


My mom put one of the mini pumpkins on her kitchen windowsill.


We added the other two to our dining table.

The big pumpkins we added outside on our porch.


This was in the beginning of October. We have added more decorations around the house and done many fall festive activities. Now we wait for stranger things season 2! Happy Halloween!

The last sibling is finally a teen!!

October 14th. Historically known as the day when the 1st Continental Congress makes Declaration of Colonial Rights in Philadelphia. However, in the Asif family, it is known as the youngest siblings birthday. This October 14th our little baby brother turned 13! He’s finally a teen! Just imagine all the wonders of being a teen. Finding your self. young, wild, and free. Hormones. Acne. Peer pressure. Just all the joys of being a teenager.

Luckily for him, his birthday was on a Saturday which means the whole family would be able to join in on the birthday fun. We started the day by cleaning the house and setting up decorations. We went to party city and bought two big gold numbered balloons, a one and a three. Then to Dollar Tree to buy other decorations.image2

By 11 we all were ready to go get breakfast. My older sister had reserved a table for eight at Founding Farmers. Founding Farmers is high-class breakfast and brunch restaurant in Tysons Corner. Our reservation was for 11:45, however, we waited and waited and were sat at 12:10. While we waited we talked about who had been here before and what each of us was excited to eat. As we were seated in a huge booth the ones who hadn’t been here before were told that this founding farmer was a buffet style restaurant. Our stomachs eager to have food fled to the buffet. We filled our plates with farm fresh food and devoured it. ( I forgot to take a picture of my first plate but here’s my second.)


As we ate we talked about memories that involved my younger brother. From his first time walking to his first day in middle school. ahh, the good ole days.

As we left brunch we drove to our old hometown Arlington to get his cake and other baked goods from an old local bakery.

Then we drove home and chilled for a couple of hours. My brother played Xbox with his friends and I helped my sister run errands. By the time we came home, from running errands, close family friends had arrived to wish my younger brother a happy birthday. We decided to cut his cake. He wanted to have the same chocolate mousse cake I had for my 18th birthday earlier this year.


My older sister then surprised the family with tickets to fields of screams in Maryland. Unfortunately, my parents weren’t going to join us because they had other business to attend to. So we filled their tickets with our family friends that were home. As we drove up to Olney, Maryland we all theorized about who is going to get scared the most and whether my stone cold older brother would ever get scared. The first attraction we went to was the Haunted hayride. The ride started with people in glow in the dark makeup starring at you, then we rode to zombies popping out of nowhere and yelling at you, to clowns who jumped on the side of the hayride chanting fearful sayings. Once we reached the end we had to wait for everyone else to get off the ride since we were in the front. As we got off a man with a chainsaw popped out of the cornfield. We didn’t know what to do, we didn’t want to get off because he was down there but we couldn’t stay on. So we decided to run for it.  Since we decided to run he ran after us while making the chainsaw louder and louder. We made it out alive. (like that wasn’t going to happen) Then we decided to go to a haunted house which wasnt bad at all for me because it was dark and I just looked down the whole time. We ended the haunted fun by going to the trails which are the scariest attraction at the field of screams.


The trails were truly scary. My stone cold brother lead the pack which later he said that he loved the anticipation of going to each house or turn not knowing what would pop out to scare you. He did eventually get a quick scare when we crossed a bridge and a clown ran behind him and screamed in his ear. We were all happy that he finally got frightened. My younger sister and I got traumatized at one part where a lady cornered us and we just wanted to go forward but she wouldn’t let us because she had to keep acting her part, so I just ran for it leaving my younger sister to fend for herself. (Now we know what person I would be in a life-threatening scenario) We also got lost in dark houses to the point where we had to use our flashlights. We also got chased down large slides and more. I definitely recommend you all to go check out fields of scream. As we left we bought funnel cake, fried Oreos, and pumpkin pie.

The second picture features our close family friends on the right side.

We then ended the night by watching the new horror movie IT adapted from Stephen King’s novel. This was my moms second in theatre movie and we thought she would be scared but she thought it was a funny movie. Her and my brothers didn’t flinch at all. The same couldn’t go for my sisters and me.

“You’ll Float too”


yeah I didnt sleep that night.

Seeing my middle school celebrity crush.

Let’s just say that I am the biggest One Direction fan on the planet, at least in middle school. I fell in love with the band in 2012 after hearing about them on 99.5. I remember typing in One direction on the youtube search engine. I move my mouse to a video titled “What Makes You Beautiful.” YOUR INSECURE DONT KNOW WHAT FOR!!! I instantly fell in love with all five of them and I liked the fact that they weren’t so popular in school. I truly felt like a hipster. Eventually, One direction blew up and EVERYBODY knew about them. My 12-year-old self-was happy that she could connect and make friends with people who loved 1D as much as her. There was one thing my 12-year-old self-wasn’t happy about though: I could never see One direction live because my parents wouldn’t be able to afford concert tickets. Although I would never see Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall or Louis live I still was a big fan. I had a huge 1D twitter account, I had posters covering every inch of my room, I would only listen to 1D and It got to the point where I had 1D school supplies. I know. Stop laughing. I know. Lately, its been hard in the 1D world. One direction has gone on hiatus for 670 days now.

Now, everybody always has there a favorite member of a band. For me at first it was Liam Payne but as my fangirl life continued I fell hard for Harry Styles. The amount of fanfictions, imagines, and times I have defended Harry on twitter is beyond me. His curly hair and emerald green eyes. 🙂

Since 1D’s hiatus, they have started solo careers. When Harry put out his album earlier this year I instantly bought it off Itunes not even caring that it was off my dad’s car. I remember listening to all ten songs off of the harry styles by harry styles album. my friend Cameron and I were texting each other while listening to each song. rating them. fangirling over them. A few weeks later Harry put out concert tickets but unfortunately, my 18-year-old and 12-year-old self-were let down. At this point, I had accepted that I would never see Harry Styles ever.

Fast forward to October 01, 2017

2 hours before Harry goes live at DAR Constitution Hall.

My sister surprised me with Harry Styles tickets

I remember my heart dropping. I felt like I was being pranked. I just couldn’t believe it. My legs felt like jello. I was beyond BEYOND happy.

I remember not caring what I was gonna wear to the concert I just wanted to see him.

My older brother dropped my two sisters and me off at Constitution Hall. We stumbled out of the car with excitement. I looked up at the building replaying the memories from 3 months ago. I graduated in Constitution Hall. I walked across the same stage that Harry Styles is about to perform on. How the world works.


My sisters and I spotted a merch truck outside and we bought a sweatshirt with Harry’s name on it and a white t-shirt with a picture of him and tour dates on the back. We were ushered to our seats. I couldn’t believe it I was about to see Harry styles!!!!


The room goes dark and I hear a guitar string and the humming of a very familiar voice.

I wanted to cry but I couldn’t I was stunned and paralyzed that I was seeing my middle school celebrity crush in front of me. He played parts of his album and some One Direction songs. I lost my voice that night from all the screaming and singing. I will truly cherish that night. Watching him leave was bittersweet.  Thank you, Harry, for such a great show.

